We have been blessed with snow in January for one day and in February for 3 days. I prayed for it to snow during Christmas in London, unfortunately, it didn’t then. Nonetheless, having it at the beginning of the new year was incredibly joyful.
I am a great lover of the snow. In retrospect, I remember our first year at University of Newcastle, as first year students, it snowed so hard then that my flatmates and I spent the entire afternoon making snowman. I still remember this experience vividly as it was one of my best experiences during my undergraduate.
Perhaps my love for snow stems from when I was a little child. I remember I enjoyed watching western Christmas movies whilst growing up in Port-Harcourt ( Nigeria). With all the heaps of snow I saw in the movie Home Alone, I was eager to experience it.
So, you can imagine when we woke up on Sunday 24th January with heaps of snow. As soon as I saw the house and cars covered in snow, it felt like an answer to my prayers. Reethi, our cat, was fascinated as it was her first time seeing snow.
My husband and I hurried outside to indulge in the experience and take a few shots to share with you. I dreamt of a time with us in a far away cabin in the woods in front of the fireplace cosied up with so much snow. A time without Covid and we can all travel, back to life as we’ve always known it. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of our time in the snow. Particularly, I enjoyed that Rene took pleasure in us making snowballs and throwing at each other.
I didn’t care that I had no gloves on! Are you like me or do you not care for snow?
I hope you enjoy some of our pictures out in the snow as much as we enjoyed making them. You can read some of my other blog articles here
P.S: I love when it snows in London.